Die Walhkampf Terrordrohung - YOUTUBE video!


Terrorist Bekkay Harrach!
Ist er in die Haende von CIA/NSA/DIA gefallen? Die produzieren jetzt TERROR videos mit ihm um die Deutschen von SPD/LINKE/GRUENE abzuhalten?
Krawatte und Gel im Haar ist eitel, daher unislamisch. Der Typ muss aufpassen, nicht ins Visier echter Islamisten zu geraten. Dann ist schnell die Rübe ab.....Solchen frechen Bengeln gehört rechtzeitig der Hintern versohlt. Hat er auch ein Testament geschrieben? Anschlagspläne im Auto vergessen? Auch desselben Typberater wie Mohammed Atta? Diese ganze Sache glaubt doch keiner mehr. Lasst die Kinder in den Schulen und die Jungs in Ruhe und hetzt sie nicht auf und mißbraucht sie nicht. Die Taliban wollen nur Frieden und den Abzug fremder Truppen aus ihrer Heimat. Wer UNfrieden schüren will, sitzt ganz wo anders. Mich würde interessieren ob Herr Al Kaida weiß was ihn da in Deutschland vertritt! Wenn es Bekkay "Hasi" Harrach innerhalb kurzer Zeit in den engsten Al-Qaida-Kreis geschafft hat, zeigt dies ja wohl in erster Linie den desolaten Zustand dieser "Organisation", oder Al Qaeda is einfach Fiktion, wie schon British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook sagte (bevor er einen Unfall hatte).
Germany Terror Threat
This image provided by IntelCenter made from video made available on Friday, Sept. 18, 2009 by Al-Qaida shows a statement in German by a man identified by German television and a U.S.-based intelligence organization as Bekkay Harrach, who uses the pseudonym Abu Talha, in which he makes an explicit threat against Germany in connection to their upcoming Sept. 27 electionsDie Walhkampf Terrordrohung - YOUTUBE video!
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another funny video (I will survive!)
As-sahab Media Das Rettungspaket fuer Deutschland Al Hafidh Abu Talha Der deutsche
Der Verfassungsschuetzer, der ihn angestiftet hat wird auch erwaehnt.
Wir wuessten alle gerne, wer die schuetzende Hand ueber ihn haelt.
DER "ISLAMISCHE TERROR" ist so sehr erwuenscht bei den Geheimdiensten,
-- sichert er doch ihren Job nach dem Ende des kalten Krieges --
dass die Schlapphuete natuerlich gerne SELBST DEN TERROR INSZENIEREN!
Und sehr sehr gerne vollidiotische JUNGE halbstarke Hitzkoepfe
manipulieren und mit Waffen, Bombenzuendern und Bauplaenen fuer Bomben
Und sehr sehr gerne vollidiotische JUNGE halbstarke Hitzkoepfe
manipulieren und mit Waffen, Bombenzuendern und Bauplaenen fuer Bomben
versorgen... siehe SAUERLAND ZELLE wo der CIA die Zuendkapseln lieferte
(Es stand im STERN!)
Also suchen wir mal nach einer geschriebenen Version
Transcript/transkritpt/Abschrief kopie niederschrift protokoll umschrift
"was sie im irak gemacht haben"
und man findet NUR EINEN LINK- ein blog!
Server ueberlastet?
nicht erreichbar ... SERVER UEBERLASTET?
"Al Hafidh Abu Talha - Der Deutsche": Fake-Video oder blutiger Ernst? -
[ Translate this page ]
18 Jan 2009 by Aktion Störtebeker
Passend zu dem Selbstmordanschlag vor der deutschen Botschaft in Kabul
vom Samstag taucht jetzt plötzlich ein YouTube-Video aus dem vergangenen
Herbst in den Medien auf (Details dazu im Datenwachschutzblog). ...
18 Jan 2009 by Carsten
.Erzählen Sie uns doch was Sie im Irak gemacht haben. Diese wurde nicht
beantwortet und der Terrorist fragte nun ob nicht doch hier polizeiliche
Ermittlungen durchgeführt werden und er doch nun seine Kompetenzen
übersteigen würde. .
Mossad cia ONI DIA BND BVS verfassungsschutz organisation gehlen
"Al Hafidh Abu Talha - Der Deutsche": Fake-Video oder blutiger Ernst?
Passend zu dem Selbstmordanschlag vor der deutschen Botschaft in Kabul vom Samstag taucht jetzt plötzlich ein YouTube-Video aus dem vergangenen Herbst in den Medien auf (Details dazu im Datenwachschutzblog).
Wer ist dieser maskierte Mann, der sich "Al Hafidh Abu Talha - Der Deutsche" nennt und vor der Kamera mit einer russischen Panzerfaust RPG-7 possiert? Über die Fußball-EM und abgeschlagene Ballak-Köpfe schwadroniert er auf deutsch ebenso wie über die aktuelle Finanzkrise und die Bundeswehreinsätze in Afghanistan. Ist das Ganze nur ein Fake oder gibt es den deutschsprachigen Taliban, der nach eigenen Worten "seit 1993 den Wunsch hat, sich für Allah in die Luft zu sprengen" wirklich?

Sie vermuten Harrach und seine zum Islam übergetretene deutsche Frau Elisabeth (29) sowie den gemeinsamen Sohn Hamsa (2) in den unzugänglichen Bergen Waziristans südlich der Grenzstadt Khost.
Dem Vertrauten von Osama bin Laden droht das gleiche Schicksal wie dem früheren Planungschef von al-Qaida, Abu Ubaida: Der Ägypter wurde vor einem Jahr durch eine US-Rakete getötet, abgefeuert von einer unbemannten Drohne.
"Eure Soldaten sind nirgends sicher", warnt der Vermummte in dem al-Qaida-Werbefilm mit dem Titel "Germany's Rescue Plan" (Rettungsplan für Deutschland) und fordert den Abzug der Bundeswehr vom Hindukusch, da der Krieg dort eh nicht zu gewinnen sei. Angeblich hat er bereits im Irak gekämpft und sollte auch vom Verfassungsschutz angeworben werden. Das dreiteilige Video ist mit arabischen Untertiteln und dem Logo von As Sahab unterlegt - einer Organisation, die bereits mehrfach Al-Qaida-Filme produziert hat.
Das Bundesinnenministerium nimmt die Sache offensichtlich ernst und erklärte dazu heute:
"Den deutschen Sicherheitsbehörden ist das Video bekannt. Es wird derzeit ausgewertet. Seine Diktion bestätigt erneut die Einschätzung der Sicherheitsbehörden, dass sich Deutschland im Zielspektrum des islamistischen Terrorismus befindet."
Wenn er tatsächlich von einem Verfassungsschutzmitarbeiter kontaktiert worden ist, dessen (Tarn)name "Thilo Karov" der Vermummte im Video nennt, sollte seine Identität ja wohl schnell herauszubekommen sein. Oder ist das Ganze eine Geheimdienst-Aktion, um die Angst im Land zu schüren?

Er gilt als Spezialist für große, ferngezündete Bomben...
Das Gesicht in einem schwarzen Turban verhüllt, den Zeigefinger erhoben, droht „Abu Talha, der Deutsche“ mit einem Anschlag in Deutschland noch vor der Bundestagswahl: „Unsere Atombombe ist die Autobombe“, sagt er in einwandfreiem Deutsch im Internet.
Dieser Film und sein Inhalt passt ganz gut zu meinem Regional-Krimi "Aktion Störtebeker", wo ja ein Anschlag auf die neue Rügen-Brücke geplant wird und auch eine RPG-7 zum Einsatz kommen soll (die der Mann übrigens in dem Film tatsächlich vor laufender Kamera abfeuert). Islamistische Terroristen können da durchaus hinter den Angriffen stecken - mehr kann ich leider jetzt noch nicht verraten.
Aber ich muss gestehen: Mit einem solchen Video Werbung für meinen Krimi zu machen, käme mir dann doch nicht in Sinn - auch wenn der PR-Effekt sicher ziemlich groß wäre. Aber dazu ist das Thema viel zu ernst.
Nachtrag: Inzwischen hat das Bundeskriminalamt den Dschihadisten, der im Video ständig drohend seinen Zeigefinger reckt, nach eigenen Angaben identifiziert. Demnach verließ er in der ersten Hälfte des Jahres 2007 Deutschland und ließ sich in einem Ausbildungslager im pakistanisch-afghanischen Grenzgebiet zum bewaffneten Gotteskrieger ausbilden. Der Mann soll außerdem Kontakte zu Führungskreisen von al-Qaida haben. Zum Video sagte BKA-Sprecher Christian Brockert: „Wir halten es für authentisch.“ Gegen Deutschland werde eine erhebliche Drohkulisse aufgebaut. Auffällig sei der detaillierte deutsche Bezug und die explizite Nennung des deutschen Afghanistan-Engagements.

Das Gesicht hinter dem Schleier: Der heutige al-Qaida-Planungschef mit Anfang 20 in Bonn. Damals wollte er noch Ingenieur werden
Bei dem Vermummten soll es sich um Bekkay Harrach handeln, der 1977 in Marokko geboren wurde, aber schon länger im Rheinland lebte. Er ist in Bonn aufgewachsen, war Student der Mathematik und hat einen deutschen Pass. Deutschen Sicherheitskreisen soll er unter dem Kampfnamen "Abu Talha al-Maghribi" bekannt sein, was "der Marokkaner" oder "der Maghrebiner" bedeutet. Er stand in Bonn schon lange unter Beobachtung, weil er sich in radikal-islamischen Kreisen tummelte. Dann tauchte er plötzlich 2007 im Grenzgebiet Pakistan/Afghanistan auf, wo wohl auch das Drohvideo entstand. Angeblich soll er dort eine Ausbildung in einem Trainingslager von al-Qaida durchlaufen haben und heute zu deren Führung gehören.
Eine Analyse des Videos gibt es auch im Sicherheitsblog.
Stichworte Afghanistan, Al Hafidh Abu Talha, al-Qaida, Taliban, Video
The speaker in the video was identified by Germany’s Interior Ministry as Bekkay Harrach, a 31-year-old Moroccan-born German citizen from Bonn who is a long-term jihadi. Injured by Israel Defense Forces in the West Bank in 2003, Harrach has been in a training camp in the Afghanistan-Pakistan border region since 2007 and was already on the radar of the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND, the German external security service) (Der Spiegel, January 24; Bild, January 19). German authorities have verified that they believe the recording is authentic and stated that Harrach is believed to be in contact with the higher echelons of al-Qaeda, with further contacts to militants in Frankfurt, Brunswick, and Ulm (Munich Focus Online, January 22). There are reports that Abu Talha is part of the cross-border Haqqani Network, living in Waziristan under the personal protection of Siraj Haqqani, noted for his extensive use of suicide tactics (Spiegel Online [Hamburg], January 25). As Interior Ministry State Secretary August Hanning put it, Harrach is a “very serious Islamist” and the direct targeting of Germany in this way “is a cause for concern” (AFP, January 20, 2009).
=== ACHTUNG ===
lass euch nicht verarschen.
Zwar stimmt alles, aber die Terror-analyse sieht alles aus westlicher Sicht!
NIEMALS wird ernsthaft erwogen, dass der Westen ILLEGAL GEMORDET HAT und
Westliche Geheimdienste FALSE FLAG (GLADIO) terror und PSYOPS zum STANDARDINSTRUMENT
erkoren hat. Nicht erst seit dem 11.September (DER URSPRUNG EINER NEUEN RELIGION!).
Vergleiche, was derzeit ueber die RAF rauskommt.
erkundige dich: WIKIPEDIA Kurras, Verena Becker, Ulrich Schmuecker
und zaehle 1+1 zusammen.
======== PDF DATEI ===============
Al-Qaida’s "A Bailout
Plan for Germany":
A NEFA Analysis
February 10, 2009
A NEFA anallysiis off tthe Bekkay Harrach viideo
Anttjje Kraschiinskii,, NEFA Conttriibuttor
The Al-Qaida video, "A Bailout Plan for Germany", featuring Bekkay Harrach, is
the third German-language video issued by Islamic terror groups since October 2008. It
was published on January 16, 2009, the same day that an assault in Kabul targeted the
German Embassy and killed five people.1
The first video of this kind was published in October 2008 by German Islamic
convert Eric Breininger. The 21-year-old Breininger has been one of Germany's mostwanted
men since he joined the Islamic Jihad Union (IJU) terror organization. The sixminute-
long clip was posted on the IJU web site and titled "A Call from Hindu Kush".2
Around January 10, 2009, a man calling himself "Abu Adam from Germany"
released another video in which he, with nearly accent-less German, calls on the German
"brothers" to join the jihad. In the video, titled "Good Message from Afghanistan", three
other men appear who likely come from Germany as well. The 30-minute film was
allegedly produced by the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, a group with no prior
known links to Germany.3
Bekkay Harrach’s video was published only a few days later on January 16 and
purportedly was sent from Afghanistan. In the video, Harrach underscores his
membership in Al-Qaida, worships Usama Bin Laden, and threatens to carry out his own
suicide bombing. Harrach is the first individual with ties to Germany who has released an
As-Sahab video; As-Sahab is Al-Qaida’s media arm.4
German security services judge these videos as authentic. Heinz Fromm, head of
the German domestic intelligence service known as the Bundesamt für
Verfassungsschutz (Federal Office for Protection of the Constitution), called these videos
1 The NEFA Foundation transcript of Harrach’s tape is available at
2 Yassin Musharbash, "German Islamist Resurfaces by Video from Afghanistan," Spiegel Online,
October 22, 2008. Note: The NEFA Foundation provided a transcript and the video at
3 "Video: Islamisten wollen Nachwuchs in Deutschland werben," Spiegel Online , January 10,
2009. See: www.nefafoundation.org/documents-original.html#imu0109.
4 "Al-Qaidas Werber aus dem Rheinland," Spiegel Online, January 19, 2009. Note: For more on As-
Sahab, see the NEFA Special Report "Inside As-Sahaab: The Story of Ali al-Bahlul and the Evolution
of Al-Qaida’s Propaganda" at
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a "new quality" of Islamist
propaganda.5 In view of the
forthcoming German
elections in autumn 2009,
Interior Ministry State
Secretary August Hanning
said that Harrach’s detailed
knowledge of the country is
Currently, German
officials believe that Bekkay
Harrach is living in the
Afghan-Pakistani border area.
All together, a few dozen
Islamists from Germany are
allegedly in various terror
camps in Afghanistan or
Pakistan. Bekkay Harrach
Another important case was that of Cüneyt Ciftci, a member of the IJU, who is
referred to as the first suicide bomber from Germany. He left Bavaria (a state in South
Germany) around April 2007 and went to Pakistan. In March 2008, a website celebrated
his death in an attack that targeted U.S. soldiers in the eastern Afghan province of
Who is Bekkay Harrach?
On January 19, 2009, the German Interior Ministry officially identified the creator
of the video, "A Bailout Plan for Germany", as German citizen Bekkay Harrach. According
to the officials, Harrach is a former resident of the city of Bonn. He reportedly made
contacts with militants in the German cities of Frankfurt, Braunschweig, and Ulm, and
has been under surveillance by German officials since 2001.8
German officials believe that Harrach has been living in a training camp on the
Pakistan-Afghanistan border since 2007. They also think that Harrach has access to
senior Al-Qaida leadership. On January 23, the German Attorney General announced
5 Gotteskrieger nehmen Deutschland ins Visier - DIE WELT - WELT ONLINE
6 Gotteskrieger nehmen Deutschland ins Visier - DIE WELT- WELT ONLINE
7 Terror in Afghanistan: Cüneyt C. - Der erste Selbstmordattentäter aus Deutschland? - SPIEGEL
ONLINE - Nachrichten - Politik
www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,541140,00.html Note: The NEFA Foundation has
made available video of the attack at
8 Bonner Islamist mit Planung von Qaida-Anschlägen betraut - DER SPIEGEL - SPIEGEL ONLINE --
Nachrichten, www.spiegel.de/spiegel/vorab/0,1518,603285,00.html
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www.nefafoundation.org -- info@nefafoundation.org
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rebroadcast, reproduction or any other commercial use without express written consent from the NEFA Foundation
that legal action was initiated against him because of membership in a foreign terrorist
On January 24, Spiegel Magazine, citing German security authorities, asserted
that Harrach has been entrusted with the planning of attacks and holds a leading
position within Al-Qaida. Harrach is said to be active in the "Department of Foreign
Operations", the group that is responsible for planning terrorist attacks.10
The report also states that, according to German security authorities, Harrach was
personally trained by Abu Ubaida al Masri, the Al-Qaida planning chief who was linked
to the 7/7 London bombings and the foiled 2006 liquid bomb plot targeting
transatlantic flights; al Masri died in Pakistan in April 2008. Al Masri is likely the same
individual who The New York Times reported had built up a network of contacts while
residing in Germany.11 Harrach, who is said to be living in Waziristan, is allegedly under
the protection of local warlord Siraj Haqqani. A commander of the Haqqani clan told
Spiegel Magazine that the "German guest" is involved in almost every major attack plan
in the region.12
Spiegel further reports that Harrach traveled twice to Iraq and was injured in an
unidentified 2003 incident with the Israeli army in the West Bank. The currently detained
Islamist, Aleem Nasir, from Germersheim, is reported to have connected Harrach with Al-
Qaida and given him a letter of recommendation. With that, Harrach is said to have
traveled via Turkey to Iran, where a smuggler brought him to Waziristan.13
Spiegel says that as Harrach settled into Pakistan in 2007, the Federal Office for
Protection of the Constitution tried to clarify, through "Operation Toledana", what
Harrach’s activities at the Hindu Kush may portend for the threat situation in Germany.14
According to the Berlin-based daily paper Tagesspiegel, there is evidence that
points to at least an indirect connection between Harrach and Eric Breininger, who had
links to the "Sauerland Group", a terrorist network that planned to carry out car bomb
attacks in Germany.
The paper reported that Harrach was mentioned in the media in September
2008, when the Federal Police arrested a Somali and a German Somali at Cologne-Bonn
airport who were suspected of wanting to join the jihad. The Somali’s residence was in
Bonn, and he was supposedly in contact with Breininger, Tagesspiegel says. The paper
also notes that like Harrach, one member of the "Sauerland Group" also used the combat
name Abu Talha.15
9 BKA sieht "erhebliche Drohkulisse" - DIE WELT - WELT ONLINE
10 Terrorermittlungen: Deutsch-Marokkaner plant Anschläge für al-Qaida - SPIEGEL ONLINE -
Nachrichten -- Politik, www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/0,1518,603314,00.html
11 Eric Schmitt, "Attack Planner for Al Qaeda Reported Dead," The New York Times, April 10, 2008.
12 Terrorermittlungen: Deutsch-Marokkaner plant Anschläge für al-Qaida - SPIEGEL ONLINE -
Nachrichten -- Politik, www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/0,1518,603314,00.html
13 Terrorermittlungen: Deutsch-Marokkaner plant Anschläge für al-Qaida - SPIEGEL ONLINE -
Nachrichten -- Politik, www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/0,1518,603314,00.html
14 Terrorermittlungen: Deutsch-Marokkaner plant Anschläge für al-Qaida - SPIEGEL ONLINE -
Nachrichten -- Politik, www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/0,1518,603314,00.html
15 Jeder kennt jeden -- irgendwie
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www.nefafoundation.org -- info@nefafoundation.org
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According to various newspaper reports, Harrach was born in 1977 in Morocco
and came to Germany in 1981. He received German citizenship in 1997 in the former
German capital Bonn in the western State of Nordrhein-Westfalen.
The Cologne-based Tabloid Express reports that Harrach "for years has lived an
inconspicuous life with his family" in Bad Godesberg, a wealthy quarter of Bonn. The
paper also says that as a teenager, Harrach moved in the same circles as those at the
King Fahd Academy in Bonn, a controversial Saudi school which came to public
attention in 2003 because of its alleged ties to Al-Qaida and other radical Islamic
groups.16 17 18
From 2002 to 2004, Harrach studied laser technology and business mathematics
at the Technical College in the town of Remagen. The college reportedly would not
provide details on Harrach’s 2004 expulsion. After ending his studies, Harrach allegedly
worked at a call center and in a scrap yard in Bonn.19
Harrach is married to Elisabeth Harrach, a German convert to Islam who gave
birth to their son in 2007. Spiegel magazine says that in Spring 2008, she followed him
and left the Federal Republic together with their infant son.20
The Speech in the Context of Germany
The Challenge and the Threat
Bekkay Harrach begins his 30-minute message to the German people with a
lesson about the financial crisis and the German bailout plan. He makes a connection to
the war in Afghanistan, saying that a withdrawal of German troops could help the
German economy recover.
"The financial crisis swept away German pride. It depends on the
Germans whether the billion-laden stimulus package only calms down
the crisis or whether the economy, following stagnation, gets back on its
feet. If the people would withdraw their soldiers from Afghanistan, the
expectations of the government might possibly come true. However, if
the people insist on this unnecessary war, the entire tax revenue for a
year would be in vain."
Otherwise, he says, it would cost the Germans even more money and jobs could be lost:
16 Bad Godesberg - Deutscher El-Kaida-Terrorist - Spur führt nach Bonn - EXPRESS online - Bonn
17 Bekkay Harrach (31) - Von Bonn an die Spitze von El Kaida - EXPRESS online - null
18 Authorities To Close Muslim School in Bonn | Germany | Deutsche Welle | 11.10.2003
19 Rheinland-Pfalz: Terror-Spur nach Remagen,
20 Bonner Islamist mit Planung von Qaida-Anschlägen betraut - DER SPIEGEL - SPIEGEL ONLINE --
Nachrichten, www.spiegel.de/spiegel/vorab/0,1518,603285,00.html
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www.nefafoundation.org -- info@nefafoundation.org
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rebroadcast, reproduction or any other commercial use without express written consent from the NEFA Foundation
"What I want to say with that is that not only human life is at stake but
jobs as well. An export world leader cannot not only be damaged at
home. Thanks to the networked and well intertwined economy, it is not
so difficult anymore."
After this opening, Harrach states his determination to carry out a suicide mission,
preferably in Germany, but he first wants to fulfill his "aims" that are not further
identified. As a reason for targeting Germany, he refers to the "unlimited solidarity" of
the country.
"It has been my wish to blow myself up for Allah since 1993. Germany,
with its ‘unlimited solidarity’, has become my biggest wish. I will execute
after first fulfilling my aims. Whether I need four or seven years is
This same expression was used by former German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder
when he addressed the Americans after 9/11. In 2001, Schröder guaranteed the
"unlimited solidarity" of Germany in the fight against terrorism.
Gerhard Schröder’s Politics
Harrach cites Schröder’s statement about solidarity one more time and refers to
Gerhard Schröder -- directly or indirectly -- four times during his 30-minute speech.
Certain knowledge of German politics is necessary to understand Harrach’s remarks.
Gerhard Schröder is a member of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD),
who became Chancellor in 1998, replacing Helmut Kohl, who led the country for 16
years. Schröder established a new government together with the Green Party. His close
political friend and long term SPD member, Oskar Lafontaine, became the new Finance
Minister. Only three month later, in March 1999, Lafontaine withdrew from his cabinet
post after internal struggles and left the political stage.
Harrach appears familiar with these developments. When he talks about the "true
love between Muslims" he says: "These are not empty sayings like the declaration of love
from Schroeder to Lafontaine--"
In November 2001, the German government, under Schroder’s leadership,
initiated a ballot in the Federal Parliament concerning the deployment of the German
army to Afghanistan. Schröder connected this ballot with a vote of confidence; if the
ballot had failed, he would have had to withdraw from his position as Chancellor.
During the next campaign in the summer and autumn of 2002, Schröder and his
SPD party promised the voters that if they won, Germany would not support the Iraq
war planned by the U.S. The SPD won the election and Schröder became Chancellor
Schröder soon became unpopular because of harsh cutbacks in social programs,
and, after a risky internal political maneuver in the parliament, he withdrew as
Chancellor in 2005 following early elections. Currently, Schröder is working for Russian
energy companies, namely Russian-state-owned Gazprom. Harrach connects Schröder’s
post-government employment with Schröder’s earlier statements when he says:
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"Schröder with his ‘unlimited solidarity’ has brought the Germans into this conflict and
gotten away with very lucrative businesses."
Schröder’s former friend and later political enemy, Oskar Lafontaine, returned to
politics in 2005, first as member, and since 2007, as the popular leader of the socialistic
party "Die Linke" (The Left). Currently, it is the only political party in the German
parliament that strongly opposes the German military engagement in Afghanistan.
The fourth and last time Harrach mentions Schröder, he criticizes Schröder’s
alleged dishonesty:
"Honesty has already become a completely strange word and is no longer
in the dictionary of the democrats. Let me give some example for the true
picture of the democrats. Schröder caught votes with an antiwar
campaign then called Bush and apologized for the circumstances because
otherwise one could not have won the election. As compensation, he
sent two BND officials that co-decided the battle of Baghdad. Democracy
has many doors though. If you cannot come in orderly through the front
entrance; there is always the back entrance. Catching two birds with one
stone, winning elections and also being an active part of the Iraq war. So
the scientific result that you cannot win the elections with the truth is
confirmed again."
In fact, in February 2003, Schröder did promise Germany's lower house of
parliament that there would be "no direct or indirect participation in a war". But in
January 2006, media reports appeared describing two agents of the German Federal
Intelligence Service BND (Bundesnachrichtendienst) who had been in Baghdad during
the first phase of the Iraq war in 2003. The two allegedly delivered important
information about targets in the Iraqi capital to U.S. intelligence. After further
investigations by journalists, the incident was confirmed.21 Political struggles followed as
a result of the matter and a parliamentary investigative committee was established. The
question remains unclear whether or not, as Harrach alleges, the BND information was
decisive for the campaign. The BND said in a written statement that the service had
reported to Berlin "information about the actual development of the war and its effects
and aftermath". However, in no case had the two agents delivered "target documents or
coordinates for bomb targets".22
However, former U.S. General James Marks said in an interview: "The German
information was of extreme importance and value for us -- the information they
provided was detailed and reliable."23
The Spy Story
Harrach continues for five minutes, reporting that the Bundesamt für
Verfassungsschutz had contacted and later tried to hire him as a spy.
21 John Goetz, Marcel Rosenbach and Holger Stark, "’Those Guys Are Heroes': How German
Agents Helped Pave the Way into Iraq," Spiegel Online, December 16, 2008.
22 Bomben auf Bagdad: BND soll USA im Irak-Krieg unterstützt haben - SPIEGEL ONLINE -
Nachrichten -- Politik, www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/0,1518,394787,00.html
23 "US General on Berlin Agents in Baghdad: 'The Germans Were Invaluable to Us'," S piegel
Online, December 16, 2008.
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"My mobile rings. It is the Federal Office for the Protection of the
Constitution. They want to meet me in the Maritim Hotel in Bonn --
Therefore he handed me over to his colleague who tried to reverse
Karov’s remarks and offered me 200 Euros an hour. I hung up and never
heard from them again."
Harrach does not say when this incident purportedly took place, but he does
mention the name of the alleged German official, Thilo Karov, and also underscores the
use of his own name several times.
"I was received by two men, one was Thilo Karov. At least, that is what his
identification said -- He said ‘Mr. Harrach, you with your character -- He
said, ‘Mr. Harrach please tell us -- ‘Harrach, now tell us -- ‘Harrach, talk
now and realize --"
To date, no German official has commented on this story, and there is no further
information about this operation. Also there has been no information about an official
with the name Thilo Karov.
The Anger and the Cartoons
Following the "Spy Story", Harrach begins an almost 22-minute diatribe; his first
topic is the cartoons lampooning the Prophet Mohammed that were published by the
Danish newspaper, JP, in September 2005.
"Der Spiegel, Welt, and ZDF as with many others, under cover of
reporting or because of solidarity with the Danes, published the
He points out that German media groups ( Spiegel magazine; Welt newspaper;
and ZDF, a public German TV station) embedded the actually cartoons in their respective
reports about the protests. Harrach criticizes that decision as "solidarity with the Danes."
Continuing his tirade, he seems to be even more upset about an incident surrounding a
performance of Mozart‘s opera Idomeneo at the Berlin Opera house, stating: "Crowning
this was Idomeneo."
In September 2006, the Deutsche Oper Berlin, one of the leading German opera
houses, canceled performances of the Mozart opera because of security fears stirred by a
scene that depicted the severed head of the Prophet Mohammed. The Opera pulled
Idomeneo from its fall schedule after the police warned of a risk to the performers and
the audience. Kirsten Harms, the company’s director, said she was told in August that
the police had received an anonymous threat.24
Political and cultural figures throughout Germany condemned the cancellation
and compared it with the decision of many European papers not to publish the
Mohammed cartoons. Not so for Bekkay Harrach, who welcomed Harms’ decision,
24 Judy Dempsey and Mark Landler, "Opera Canceled Over a Depiction of Muhammad," The New
York Times, September 27, 2006.
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"Maybe the day will come when you will wish to be South Koreans or to
have Opera leader Kirsten as Chancellor. Reasonable people that estimate
the situation accurately, make the right decisions, and are not guided by
arrogance or presumption are today obviously only a few."
In his speech, Harrach says that the Danish cartoons were a provocation and
made the Muslims "hyperactive". He calls the argument that the publication of even
critical cartoons is allowed due to freedom of press, "double morality". As justification, he
refers to an incident during the June 2008 European soccer championship:
"One incident shows this double morality. Before the match against
Poland during the European football championship, the Germans used a
caricature showing the severed heads of Löw and Ballack to beat the
Poles for so long until the Polish Ambassador to Berlin officially distanced
himself from it. Haven’t you always demonstrably stated that freedom of
the press should not buckle before censorship? Or do the weaker still
have to apologize or they will feel the German Iron Fist?"
Before the soccer match between Germany and Poland, the Polish tabloid Super
Express (owned by German media Company Axel Springer, publisher of leading tabloids
in Germany) showed a harsh photomontage: The Polish coach Leo Beenacker was
holding the severed heads of German national coach Joachim Löw and team leader
Michael Ballack in his hands. The headline read: "Bring us their heads, Leo".
Although the report provoked some public anger, it never became more than a
soccer-heated media battle. In fact, the Polish Ambassador, Marek Prawda, has never
officially distanced himself from that incident as Harrach says. Prawda instead talked to
the newspaper Die Welt (also owned by Springer) and called the photomontage an
"idiotic tastelessness".
Afghanistan, the Taliban, and the German Army
Harrach then returns to his main topic and begins with a threat:
"With 3,500 soldiers, Germany provides the third largest contingent in
Afghanistan. The British, with the second largest contingent, got a
foretaste. And if the Germans, something I don’t expect, gullible and
naively mean that as the third biggest troop provider they will get away
scot-free, the German politicians in the Bundestag are in the wrong place.
Whoever always hopes and believes that that he can divide the Taliban
and Al Qaida has still not understood the enemy after seven years."
In reality, Germany has about 3,500 soldiers in the relatively safe area of northern
Afghanistan and serves as part of NATO’s 50,000-strong International Security Assistance
Force (ISAF). The extension of the engagement was last decided by the German
parliament in October 2008.
Harrach continues with a story that first appeared in the German media around
August 2007:
"According to [the tabloid] Bildzeitung in autumn 2007, the BND
[German external intelligence] has started talks with some Taliban and
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has made offers to them under the condition they distance themselves
from Al Qaida. Whoever cannot beat their enemy militarily has to be
content with something bad tasting. Wasn’t your motto always, ‘no
negotiations with terrorists?’"
These alleged meetings have not been confirmed by German officials, but there
were several media reports with regard to the subject. For example, Spiegel Magazine
published a long and detailed background article about a meeting of BND agents and
Taliban representatives in Zurich in 2005.25
At this point in the video, Harrach begins a history lesson, explaining to the
Germans how the Afghan mujahideen "paved the road for the German reunification".
"October 3rd is an important date for Germany. November 9 a more
important pre-event. If somebody asks a German who you should thank
for the reunification, the answer comes promptly- Helmut Kohl [former
Chancellor of Germany]. It is objectively a wrong statement, like the one
pretending that the current economical upswing is something to thank
Dr. Merkel [current Chancellor of Germany] for. But it seems to be a
Christian Democratic characteristic to harvest the fruits of others.
The German unity came after the fall of the Berlin wall. But the abolition
of the wall was only a something that was decided after the Red Army
suffered a bad defeat in Afghanistan and the Soviets had lost face in the
world of superpowers. This collapse was perfect thanks to the readiness
to sacrifice of the mujahedeen of the Islamic nation, Osama an important
one among them, were those who freed the world from a monster and
paved the way for the German reunification. History has given credit for
that to the mujahedeen. As thanks, the West has destroyed the conflict
zone and left it in chaos. If the Germans don’t appreciate the
mujahedeen, then they should at least not ignore the fighting power of
the mujahedeen and never become enemies with them."
Since 1990, October 3 has been a national holiday in Germany known as the Day
of Unity. November 9 is seen as a fateful day for Germany as several important events in
German history took place on that day: the 1918 November revolution, the so-called
"Kristallnacht" in 1938 where Jewish property was destroyed, and the fall of the Berlin
Wall in 1989 which made the 3rd of October possible.
Harrach´s Endorsement for the Next German Election
After communicating his personal interpretation of history, Harrach again
conveys the picture of a permanent Al-Qaida threat to Germany.
"I ask the German people what do the German secret services really know
and do they believe that they can really protect the German people? Or
have they not already admitted that they cannot put anything up against
Al-Qaida. If you analyze a constantly repeated sentence of the secret
services and the terror experts, especially by the toppled Bavarian
25 BND trifft Taliban: Geheimtermin in Zürich - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten - Politik
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‘Landesvater’, I come to the conclusion that this sentence has many
shattering effects and more messages. But unfortunately this passes many
Germans by. The Franconian Mr. Safety used to repeat often he is not
asking the question whether it will happen but when. If you look at the
strategy of Al-Qaida, you conclude that only those who were aggressive
became targets. Second, if somebody admits that something is happening
in any case, admits that he unfortunately failed in combating a threat. In
that predicament, have the Germans any other choice then looking for
the fastest way home? Time is running out for the Germans."
It is a fact that German terror experts and politicians often repeat the phrase that
a terrorist assault in Germany is not a question of if but a question of when. Günther
Beckstein, Minister of the Interior in the state of Bavaria from 1993 until 2007, is a well-
known politician who supported strong legislation, especially with respect to terrorism.
Beckstein also served as the Prime Minister of Bavaria from 2007-2008. After his
conservative party suffered heavy losses in the Bavarian elections of 2008, Beckstein
declared that he would not seek to run as a candidate for the office of Prime Minister
again. Although one would not call this form of withdrawal from government
"toppling", Harrach is clearly referring to Mister Beckstein in the phrase "toppled Bavarian
‘Landesvater’ (national father) above.
Harrach wants to convince the Germans that there is no other protection against
Al-Qaida except the withdrawal of their forces from Afghanistan. Having an
understanding of both the democratic system and politics in Germany, he endeavors to
manipulate them into making the "correct voting choices," but not without threatening
them at the same time:
"I appeal to the German people, finally stand up and become reasonable.
In some cases, one might think that the people have no choice because
both parties want the same thing, no matter whether you will vote soon
for McCain or Obama. But in autumn 2009, the Germans have a unique
and reachable chance to show that until now they did not have an
alternative. I think that the German people will make a right choice and
will avoid unnecessary aggravation. The Germans have a new hope, to
live again in safety, to sleep and go shopping without being constantly
accompanied by the fear that the black head or the bearded blond could
be a bomb. It’s only alone and in your hand. Should the Germans this
time not go the right way, they have sealed their own verdict."
Currently, there is only one party in the German parliament that openly opposes
the German military engagement in Afghanistan, "Die Linke" (The Left) party. As such,
Harrach is essentially endorsing Die Linke in the September 2009German federal
The Weak, Human Democracy
After a strong appeal to the Germans, Harrach speaks for about 18 minutes,
seemingly without reading the text, and his speech loses a bit of its stridency. During the
following 5 minutes, he rushes to reveal various scandals that took place in Germany in
recent years. His purpose appears to be to demonstrate that the German government
does not care about the good of the German people.
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He begins with a lament that politicians are only interested in making money for
"The suffering in this democracy is the taxpayer and not the tax recipient.
If he fails, the tax administrator will at maximum have his job taken away
or he might even be promoted. Schröder with his ‘unlimited solidarity’ has
brought the Germans into this conflict and gotten away with very
lucrative businesses. Merkel steers the same course. Bush will get away
with a fat and overweight bank account and the people have to bleed for
it. Great are the democrats who only care about the welfare of their
Then he praises the people he would prefer to see in political positions:
"Maybe the day will come when you will wish to be South Koreans or to
have Opera leader Kirsten as Chancellor. Reasonable people that estimate
the situation accurately, make the right decisions, and are not guided by
arrogance or presumption are today obviously only a few. As soon as
somebody wants to grapple with the problems of the country with the
right reforms and solutions, a hate campaign is initiated against them. We
say: Good for the future of the mujahedeen that Eva Hermann is not
leading the Ministry of Family."
His satisfaction that Eva Herman is not the Minister of Family in Germany is an
ironic sideswipe. Eva Herman is a former TV personality who, between 2006 and 2007,
published controversial books in which she argues for the traditional role models of the
working man and the housekeeping woman. Harrach seems to mean that as long as
such opinions like hers are not official politics, extreme Islamists will easily find
sympathizers in Germany.
He briefly covers other topics such as the German telecom scandal which
concerned spying on the telephone data of important journalists. Although he jumps
from one topic to another, he always returns to his main topic: the German army in
He mentions an incident that become public in October 2006:
"And if the German government sends characterless soldiers to the front
that by disturbing the silence of the dead bring more unnecessary trouble
home then it is really urgent to teach them a lesson."
In autumn 2006, photos appeared in the German media that showed German
soldiers in Afghanistan posing with human bones and skulls. After investigations by
journalists, it turned out that these pictures had been taken in 2004 in Afghanistan. The
soldiers said that they had found the remains on an old graveyard and took the pictures
with them for fun.
Harrach then talks about how former Chancellor Schröder allegedly betrayed the
Germans over the involvement of Germany in the Iraq war, discussed earlier in this
report, before he mentions another incident that become public in April 2008:
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"Press freedom is holy: a German journalist in contact with an Afghan
government minister was spied on. These examples are only the tip of the
In autumn 2006, the BND had intercepted the email traffic of Amin Farhang, the
Afghan Minister for Trade and Industry. The BND had installed a so-called Trojan horse
on the Minister’s computer that had monitored all communications and sent it to the
BND. Since emails to and from the Spiegel journalist Susanne Koelbl were amongst the
information gathered, the scandal become public. The Service denied that she had been
the target of the operation, but rather the Minister himself had.26
For Harrach, this incident showed yet again, how weak democracy seemed to be
and how badly it protects its values, such as the freedom of press. Instead, he praises the
"perfect" Quran:
"-- our beloved constitution, the Quran, remained untouched for 1400
years despite enemies and conflicts. It [the Quran] is perfect and
appropriate for every time and place. It is a divine and complete revelation
and not of human origin like democracy."
Towards the end of his video, Harrach interprets a more or less administrative
action as a significant conspiracy perpetrated by the government.
"This year, the mandate of the German Army in Afghanistan will be
extended for 14 instead of 12 months. The government recognized that
this unpopular decision could upset the calculation because the next
extension would be at the same time as the elections. To prevent
anybody from winning the elections again with an antiwar campaign, the
government has postponed the next extensions until after the elections.
Does this decision not show again the true face of the democrats? With
all tricks and instruments, even the only possibility in four years to be an
active part in important political questions is denied to the people."
Following, he illogically interprets the job the German army is doing in
"Since when are German soldiers part of civil reconstruction programs?
What is then the job of a civil institution? At home, the German army was
only engaged with catastrophes and disasters like floods that could not
be coped with. But if the German Army in Afghanistan is part of the civil
reconstruction and fearfully chickens out of combat, then the German
Army also has a new definition. Well, and if you then also proudly present
that the drinking water supply for 500,000 Afghans in Herat was secured
then we say: ‘Thank you for the investment.’"
While welcoming the new drinking water supply that the Germans installed in
Herat, Harrach simultaneously chides them for being afraid of active combat.
26 Journalisten-Spitzelaffäre: BND beobachtete afghanischen Minister Farhang - SPIEGEL ONLINE -
Nachrichten -- Politik, www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/0,1518,549434,00.html
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During the conclusion of the speech, and before providing longer religious
explanations, he draws the picture of a German army that, in his opinion, acts cowardly
in Afghanistan and therefore would not be able to protect the German people.
"Why don’t German soldiers seek battle with us and let not only Murat
Kurnaz hear that they are the German power. I am seriously asking
myself the question, can the German people feel really safe at home with
an army with such an amount of fear."
Murat Kurnaz, born in 1982 and raised in Germany, is a Turkish citizen (in
Germany, those born in the country do not automatically received German citizenship)
who was held at Guantanamo Bay from January 2002 until August 2006, after he was
arrested in Pakistan in November 2001, and handed over to U.S. forces. After he
returned to Germany, he claimed that in late 2001, in Afghanistan, he had been
mistreated by members of the Special Forces Command of the German Army in
"A Bailout Plan for Germany" is not the first German-language video produced by
an Islamic terror group. Additionally, Bekkay Harrach, the 32-year-old speaker, is not the
first extremist to travel from Germany to terror camps in the Afghan-Pakistan border
area. However, Harrach’s video seems to be the first that contains a direct threat against
Germany, and it also seems to be the first German-language and Germany-targeted
message from Al-Qaida.27 28
The central message is stated in the first minutes of the video and repeated again
several times: Germany must pull its troops out of Afghanistan. To advance that goal,
Harrach appeals to the German people to vote for a party that supports the withdrawal
during the next elections in autumn 2009.
Harrach explicitly and repeatedly addressed the German people as a whole, not
the German government. As he demonstrated detailed knowledge about Germany,
German officials evaluated the video message as a serious threat, especially in view of
the upcoming federal elections on September 27, 2009.29 Interior Ministry State Secretary
August Hanning called Harrach "a very serious Islamist."30 Hanning also said that
Harrach "by his intellectual level" has a higher potential than wanted German convert
Eric Breininger.31
27 After the attack on a synagogue in Djerba, Tunisia, in 2002 Bin Laden deputy Aiman al-Sawahiri
threatened Germany, the "dose to increase." In Djerba 21 tourists died, 14 of them from Germany
28 Terrorvideo: Al-Qaidas Werber aus dem Rheinland - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten - Politik
29 www.welt.de/welt_print/article3056785/Gotteskrieger-nehmen-Deutschland-ins-
30 Gotteskrieger nehmen Deutschland ins Visier - DIE WELT
31 Geheimdienst besorgt: "Jetzt tickt die Uhr für einen Terroranschlag" - WELT ONLINE
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Harrach has a deep and detailed knowledge of the political background of the
German military engagement in Afghanistan, and he seemingly closely monitored
relevant developments in Germany and Afghanistan over many years.
He also spends a good deal of time criticizing various political decisions and
scandals in Germany. He exhibited a broad knowledge of German news and politics,
and his oratory skills -- his speech, arguments and phrases -- conveyed a familiarity with
the German debate culture.
In comparison to Eric Breininger, who in his video could hardly complete a
sentence without mistakes, Harrach spoke more eloquently and appeared to be better
educated. He was articulate and his German was nearly perfect and accent-less.
Harrach’s attitude came across as arrogant and he was strongly convinced his
statements and positions were correct. He also displayed bitterness and deep frustrations
about developments in Germany. He repeatedly criticized German political parties, but
expressed more anger against the Social Democrats SPD and their former Chancellor
Gerhard Schröder than against any other political group.
Harrach described all afore-mentioned politicians as corrupt and dishonest, and
he denegrates democracy several times. Equally, he showed a profound adoration for
Usama Bin Laden as a leader and praises the Quran as perfect and appropriate for every
time and place.
Harrach’s video has alarmed German officials. On January 25, German Interior
Ministry State Secretary August Hanning said to the German television station ARD: "For
the first time we are seeing that Germany is addressed very clearly, and namely from
someone who knows our home affairs, who knows the internal conditions here and
who grapples very specifically with us here in Germany. We regard this as a new quality
of threat."32
32 Neue Terrorvideos - Sicherheit im Superwahljahr | tagesschau.de
Schäubles bewusst provozierende Forderung nach Aufhebung der parlamentarischen Kontrolle der Nachrichtendienste erinnert fatal an jene braunen Parolen, die einst die gesamte Volksvertretung als Quasselbude diffamierten. Sein Vorschlag, die Überprüfung von BND, BfV und MAD in die Hände eines von der Exekutive berufenen "Expertengremiums" zu legen, würde den Weg frei machen hin zu einer Geheimen Staatspolizei in inneren und äußeren Angelegenheiten.
The Defense Intelligence Analysis Center on Bolling Air Force Base
MacDill Blvd SW
Die Defense Intelligence Agency, abgekürzt DIA (Verteidigungsnachrichtendienst(-Behörde)), Nachfolgerin des Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC) ist ein Nachrichtendienst der USA, der als Dachorganisation der Nachrichtendienste der vier Teilstreitkräfte dient.
- Das Sammeln, Analysieren und Weiterleiten von Erkenntnissen der Nachrichtendienste der vier Teilstreitkräfte für das US Verteidigungsministerium.
- Army Intelligence (AI), Heeresnachrichtendienst
- Marine Corps Intelligence Activity, Nachrichtendienst des US Marine Corps
- Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), Marinenachrichtendienst
- Air Force Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Agency (ISR), Luftwaffennachrichtendienst
- Die Überwachung von Massenvernichtungswaffen, Terrorismus und Organisierter Kriminalität.
Die 1961 von Robert McNamara durch die Directive 5105.21 gegründete DIA sammelt und analysiert die von den Geheimdiensten der Teilstreitkräfte beschafften Informationen und gibt die daraus gewonnenen Erkenntnisse an die zuständigen Entscheidungsträger in Pentagon und US-Regierung sowie an die Einsatztruppen weiter.
Hauptsitz der Behörde ist sowohl das Pentagon als auch das Zentrum für nachrichtendienstliche Auswertung auf dem Luftwaffenstützpunkt Bolling Air Force Base. Daneben gibt es weitere Standorte sowie den Militärattachés angegliederte Posten in den Botschaften der Vereinigten Staaten.[1]
Die Anzahl der Mitarbeiter wird auf ca. 7.500 geschätzt.
Die DIA besteht aus vier Hauptabteilungen (directorates) und ihrer Hochschulsektion:
- Directorate for Human Intelligence (DH)
- Directorate for Analysis (DI)
- Directorate for Intelligence Joint Staff (J2)
- Defense Joint Intelligence Operations Center (DJIOC)
- National Defense Intelligence College am Joint Military Intelligence College
In der Öffentlichkeit bekannt wurde dieser Geheimdienst durch das weltweite Publizieren des von ihm abgehörten Funkverkehrs zwischen sowjetischen Abfangjägern während des Abschusses einer Boeing 747 des Korean-Airlines-Flug 007 am 1. September 1983. 1993 wurde die DIA in Jugoslawien aktiv. In Sarajevo intervenierte die Organisation und baute ein Bündnis zwischen den Bin-Laden-Brigaden (Kämpfer aus Saudi-Arabien und Iran) und der Izetbegovic-Regierung auf. Das Bündnis verhinderte den Sturm der serbischen Truppen auf die Stadt.
Seit 1978 regelt der Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act in Folge der Ermittlungen des Church Committees die parlamentarische Kontrolle der DIA durch das "Senate Select Committee on Intelligence" (SSCI) des United States Attorney General US-Senats bzw. das "House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence" (HPSCI) im Repräsentantenhaus.


Kommandeur und 17. Direktor der DIA ist zur Zeit Lieutenant General Ronald Burgess.[2]
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